A total of top 2,50,000 candidates from JEE Main are selected for JEE Advanced examination. Therefore, before appearing in Advanced examination students should be thorough with the JEE Advanced Mock Test so that they can perform better in JEE Advanced examination to get the admission in any 33 participating institutes.
In order to help students be thorough with syllabus based questions, our subject matter experts have prepared the JEE Advanced Mock Test 2025 which contains online MCQ questions to practise and prepare for the JEE Advanced examination.
Note: We don’t provide JEE Advanced Mock Tests for B.Arch. (The JEE Advanced AAT 2025 will be conducted , 2025)
Subject-wise JEE Advanced Mock Test with Solutions
There are three subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Maths on the basis of which JEE advanced candidates are examined. Therefore, for the convenience of students preparing for the JEE Advanced exam, we provide here the Subject-wise JEE Advanced Mock Test in online mode with solutions. Browse the tests by clicking on the below-given link.
JEE Advanced Maths Mock Test
The Mock test of JEE Advanced contains questions from Sets, Relations and Functions, Algebra, Matrices, Probability and Statistics, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Vectors. Since, these Mathematics topics are given in the JEE Advanced Syllabus, all the candidates should be thorough with these in order to give the JEE Advanced Maths Mock Test or actual IIT JEE Advanced Entrance Test.
JEE Advanced Physics Mock Test
There are several Physics topics from which questions can be asked in JEE Mock test, but these topics: General topics of Class 11 & 12 Physics, Mechanics, Thermal Physics, Electricity and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Waves, Optics, Modern Physics are from the syllabus of JEE Advanced and that is why the Physics Mock test of JEE Advanced are prepared on the basis of it. In order to perform better in the JEE Advanced Mock test 2025 make sure you have covered these topics well.
JEE Advanced Chemistry Mock Test
General Topics of Class 11 and 12 Chemistry, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Atomic Structure, Chemical Thermodynamics, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Chemical and Ionic Equilibrium, Electrochemistry, Solid State, Chemical Kinetics, Solutions, Surface Chemistry, Hydrogen, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, s-Block Elements, p-Block Elements, d-Block Elements, f-Block Elements, Coordination Compounds, Isolation of Metals, and etc are the topics all the JEE Advanced candidates will have to cover to be able to answer the Mock questions of JEE Advanced.
Everything You Need to Know About the JEE Advanced Mock Test of Selfstudys
Here at Selfstudys, the online JEE Advanced Mock Test that we provide has some features that you should know before attempting them.
- Online Tests: The Mock test is in online format so that you can better be prepared for the upcoming JEE Advanced Examination. Since, the actual exam is in CBT (Computer-Based Test) mode you should also practise through online tests so that you can have a better practice for the computer based test. However, those who don't have access to Computer or Laptop can use their Smartphone to attempt the JEE Advanced Mock test 2025 online.
- Question Status: When you attempt the JEE Advanced Mock test you get to know about the question’s status such as how many and which questions you have attempted. In addition to this, after submitting the Mock Test you can easily check the questions status. The question’s status are like this:
Question Status |
Correct |
Wrong |
Skipped |
Real Time Example of Mock test question status:
- Limited Time and Limited Questions: In order to keep students active and fast in solving the JEE Advanced questions of Physics, Chemistry and Maths, our experts keep the time limit short so that you can better prepare for the exam. Majority of JEE Advanced Mock Tests that we have are 20 minutes long for 20 questions. However, the number of questions in Maths are more than Physics and Chemistry.
- Mini Mock Test: To give a closer experience of JEE Advanced examination and to help practise various PCM questions, we have prepared this JEE Main Mock Test as Mini Mock Test which is for upto 20 minutes or less.
How to Give the JEE Advanced Free Mock Test 2025?
A step-by-step guide to attempt the JEE Advanced Free Mock Test 2025 is given below.
Note: This step-by-step process can be used in Smartphones and PC/Laptop.
- Visit Selfstudys.com on your browser
- Tap on the Navigation button, available on top beside the Logo.
- Navigate to the JEE category and Click on that expand. Click on “Mock Test” to proceed further in this step.
- Choose “JEE Advanced”
- A new page will load containing various JEE Advanced Mock Tests, just choose what you want to start with to give the Mock test of JEE Advanced.
Who Should Attempt the JEE Advanced Mock Test?
The JEE Advanced Mock Test 2025 should be given by students who are about to begin their JEE Advanced Exam preparation and have already started. It is ideal for both types of students so, in whatever phase of preparation you are, it is ideal for you to attempt the JEE Advanced Mock Test.
In addition to this, students who are interested in solving the JEE Advanced Mock Test just to check their knowledge can refer to this website to give Online Mock Tests for free.
Benefits of Taking Online Mock Tests for JEE Advanced
There are various benefits of taking an online Mock Test for JEE Advanced which has been discussed in this section. If you are in a dilemma whether to take the Mock Test for JEE Advanced or not then you should definitely know about the benefits.
- Help You Analyse Your Preparation Better: The JEE Advanced test series or Mock tests are designed in a way so that you can analyse your preparation better to find your weakest and strongest area in the preparation. After analysing your preparation using the JEE Advanced Mock Test you can improve in those weak areas or concepts so that you can score better in the actual JEE Advanced examination.
- Help You Learn About Time Management: A right strategy to attempt the JEE Advanced question is required in order to save the time and to maintain accuracy, this can be learnt by referring to the JEE Advanced Mock Test 2025. Practising the JEE Advanced 2025 Mock Test series helps you master the time management skills so that you don’t run out of time when giving the actual JEE Advanced Examination.
- Gives You an Opportunity to Master Exam Pressure: It is vital for the candidats to master the exam pressure to answer the questions without making silly mistakes. The JEE Advanced Mock test gives you an opportunity to master the exam pressure where you learn to manage your stress and time to solve the JEE Advanced questions.
- A Thorough Revision of JEE Advanced Syllabus: The JEE Advanced Mock Tests helps students revise the full syllabus of JEE Advanced as they solve the Mock tests.
Why Is the JEE Advanced Mock Test Important?
For various reasons the JEE Advanced Mock test is important, for ease of understanding, we have listed them down below:
- It offers Latest Syllabus-based Questions: The Mock test helps solve several syllabus-based questions before the actual examination. Solving such questions prior to the JEE Advanced examination gives candidates confidence and ability to handle such questions.
- It’s Harder than Actual Exam Questions: The questions in JEE Advanced Mock Tests 2025 contain harder than the actual question papers, you can cross-check this referring to the JEE Advanced Year Wise question papers.
- Mock Tests Helps Identify Weak Areas: Solving the JEE Advanced Mock also enables the students to look for the areas of improvement. Finding such topics through the Mock test series helps students improve their knowledge in the topics to perform better at questions asked in the JEE Advanced examination. Apart from the weak areas, the Mock tests help students learn about their strong areas in the subject too. That is why the JEE Advanced Mock Test is important.
When Is the Best Time to Take the JEE Advanced Mock Test?
An IIT aspirant can take the JEE Advanced Mock test after covering their syllabus and giving the JEE Mains exam. In this section, we have covered them in detail so that you can better move on to the Mock test while preparing for the JEE Advanced examination.
- After you Appear for JEE Mains exam or Pass in Mains: Since JEE Advanced exam can be given by only who have passed in the JEE Main Exam so, it will be ideal for the students to take the JEE Advanced Mock tests after appearing in the JEE Mains exam or passing in it. Before appearing in JEE Mains no students should try to give the Advanced Mock test as it will make them stressed and unmotivated.
- A Few Days Before JEE Advanced Examination: Ideally, solving the JEE Advanced Mock test a few days before JEE Advanced examination helps students do a last minute preparation as well as it helps them analyse the level of preparation. Although, at this time, students don’t have lots of time to recover the whole chapter, they can use some reference study materials to improve.
Strategies for Acing the JEE Advanced Mock Test
In order to ace the JEE Advanced Mock test to score higher marks, you can apply some of these strategies; such as-
- Review the JEE Advanced Syllabus: Every single question that will be asked in the JEE Mock test will be based on the JEE Advanced Syllabus and that is why it is important to review the JEE Syllabus while preparing for the JEE Mock test for Advanced exam.
- Go through the JEE Advanced Notes: IIT JEE Advanced Notes are very helpful for the Engineering candidates as they can recall all of their previously studied concepts and topics for the JEE examination. Those who want to score better marks in JEE Advanced Mock test 2025 should go through the JEE Advanced Notes.
- Practise JEE Advanced Previous Year Question Papers: One of the most important strategies that we suggest JEE Advanced candidates are to practise JEE Advanced Previous Year Question Paper as it will help understand the questions and its difficulty levels.
- Increase your response time: As an IIT aspirant you must be quick in answering questions so that you can beat the competition level and ace the JEE Advanced examination to get the admission in the colleges, as well as to solve the Mock Tests of JEE Advanced. Also, being good in response time is important because the Mock test contains the questions which must be answered within a limited time period.
- Learn to Manage Time: Having control over time consumptions can help you answer a variety of Mock test questions faster with higher accuracy. Therefore, learn to manage time to ace the JEE Advanced Free Mock Test.
Important Instructions for JEE Advanced 2025
Once you are done with regular practice of JEE Advanced Mock Test 2025 make sure you are familiar with the instructions so that you don’t make silly mistakes. These are the JEE Advanced 2025 Guidelines you must be aware of:
- The JEE Advanced 2025 will be for 3 hours so, try not to waste time.
- Try to avoid guesswork in the examination as there is a negative marking.
- Be calm and don’t feel pressure or stress for the questions you can’t answer instead, focus on them once you are done with other questions.
Understanding Interface of JEE Advanced 2025 Online Test
When you sit for the JEE Advanced CBT examination, you will see an interface in front of you. To give the test, you should be aware of various available buttons that depict some status to the questions using the colour. In the below-given table we have mentioned those details so that you can better understand the interface of the JEE Advanced 2025 Test.
Button Colour |
Status of the Button |
Gray |
Not Visited: You haven’t reached that particular question yet. |
Red |
Not Answered: You have not answered the question yet. |
Green |
Answered: Green indicates the questions that you have answered. Those answers will be evaluated. |
Purple |
Marked for Review: Purple colour button shows that you haven’t answered the questions but have marked for review. |
Purple with Green Circle |
Answered and Marked for Review: Those question buttons which will have a purple button with a green circle will be evaluated because you have answered them and marked them for review. |